School picture day is November 7

Friday, March 29, 2019

Class works on place value in math

I had a dentist appointment in Mustang.

We started with some more place value practice.  

We went to computers for reading.  We worked on IXL.  There are some great specific skills on this site.  
In math we did practiced several skills. 

We also had an assembly this afternoon to see which class won the contest for the Relay for Life fund raiser.

Your child came home with his or her sacks for their healthy snacks next Tuesday through Friday.  They also brought home index cards so you could write your child an encouraging note each day!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Class studies the Trail of Tears

We had another great day in third grade!

We started with some place value review.

In reading we read a nonfiction passage about the Trail of Tears, and then a fiction passage that was written from the point of view of a child on the same trip.  We compared/contrasted.  We also answered questions and used text to show why we answered the way we did.

We were given some time to work on Poetry Ringo.  The we worked more with commas.  Today we used them after phrase or clauses so that a sentence would make sense.  For example:  When the mosquitoes came out in went the people.  Without commas, it makes no sense.  But when written correctly it does.  "When the mosquitoes came out, in went the people." Another way we practiced using commas today was at the end of an introduction clause.  "Although this is my first year at Will Rogers I feel like it is home."  This one is incorrect.  "Although this is my first year at Will Rogers, I feel like is home." This one is correct. 

In math we did a dry erase board review.  Then we played a game using the buzzers.  They had to work the problem then be the first one to tap the buzzer and have the correct answer.

Thank you for those that returned paperwork today.  Don't forget that the orders for the class book are due by next Wednesday.  Even if you aren't ordering a book, I have to have proof that I offered it to every family.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Young writers look at punctuating interjections

We had a busy day today. We started by working on our writing piece we started yesterday.

We worked with an informational passage.  We had to mark different things in the passage.  We then answered the questions, and explained why we answered the way we did.

We worked with using commas after an interjection in a sentence.  An exciting interjection would use an explanation point. (Hooray! We won the game!) But we used it with mild interjections. (Yes, we are having outside recess today.)

We were also given time to work on Poetry Ringo.

We went to computers during math.  They also came home with one math problem.  They have to be ready to share how they figured it out.  But they have to figure out how to get the correct answer in two different ways.  One way could just be from memory.  Feel free to give them ideas/suggestions.

I also sent home a note about the book we are making as a class. In order to get the book, I must have every single student's sheet back.  Even if you are not ordering the book, I must have the sheet with your signature saying you don't want one. Thank you!  I have worked with this company before and the books are such treasures!  I look at the one my son made when he was 4 (Yes, I helped.), and it still brings a tear-covered smile to my face!