School picture day is November 7

Friday, May 24, 2019

A great year comes to an end

We had a day full of mixed emotions!  I always hate losing my kiddos.  But be assured, I will think of them as part mine from now on.  Please keep me informed of how they are doing.

Please continue to check the blog every once in a while.  I have some ideas of things I would like to do this summer.  

Again, thank you for allowing me to work with your child!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Every third grader wins award -- and deserves it!

We had quite a day today!  We had awards assembly this morning, after we did a puzzle and some games.  I was so proud of my whole class.  Every single child earned an award.  I am not the type that makes sure everyone gets one, as I feel awards need to be earned.  But today, everyone did!

We also had the talent show. It was great, as well.  Our own Kayson, Tucker, and Mitchell did an outstanding job on their performances.  

We started a large game that resembles Scrabble.  We will continue it tomorrow!

Class pictures below...

Our end-of-year photos

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

It's almost time for the school year to end, but the learning continues

We had a great day today. Although, I did have to remind them it was almost the end of school, but not the end of rules.

We did some reading practice this morning, concentrating on comprehension and finding information in text.  

We also found the monetary amount of our names, along with our classmates, using the same chart we used on last week's spelling words.

In math we reviewed operations, identifying all of the operations required to answer a given word problem. Some required 2 or 3 steps/operations.  We also compared numbers and equations.

We read some from our read aloud, The Twenty-One Balloons.  They are enjoying this!  It is one of my favorite books ever!  It is very old.  

Tomorrow is the awards assembly.  A note came home with your child if he or she is receiving an award or not.