School picture day is November 7

Monday, February 24, 2020

Third graders learn about mistletoe in class

We had a great day in class!

We had our Monday assembly to get us off to a great start.  The last day to "Feed the Pigs" for Relay for Life is this Thursday.

We read silently this morning.  Then we read a short passage about mistletoe.  It was interesting, as most didn't realize that it is a parasite.  We also took our timed "Maze" test.  These are the ones where there are three given words to choose from throughout a passage. This helps with comprehension and using context clues.

We got our spelling words for this week.  We are on lesson 16.  They had to write them using their color charts.  

We went to computers for Istation math practice.  

In science we drew a picture of our new plant that I brought.  They not only drew it, they had to label it as well. 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

A great Thursday: apostrophes, contractions, fractions

We had a great Thursday. We started with some silent reading.

We finished our point of view project and they were able to bring them home today, as they wouldn't fit in the Wednesday folder bucket. We also worked with contractions and alphabetical order.  Not only did we find the contraction for given words, but we circled the letters that were omitted in the contractions.  This helps them realize why the apostrophe is where it is in a contraction.

We worked more with fractions.  We added to our notebooks.  We made our own group then colored according to what I wrote on the board.  (3/5 purple, 1/5 red, 1/5 green)

Have a great weekend with your family!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Students learn about point of view in reading

We had a great day today.  It started with our last multiplication puzzle.

We worked more with point of view in reading today.  We made charts, and tomorrow we will finish the reading/writing part of it.  

We had our vision screening today, as well. 

We worked more with fractions today.  But we are going to revisit them in a different way tomorrow.  Today we tried using counters to find 5/8 of 24.  This was difficult for them.  We were working them together but it just wasn't clicking.  We will save that skill for later.  They were doing so well on the other that I thought we were ready for that.