School picture day is November 7

Friday, September 30, 2022

Young mathematicians work on subtraction with regrouping across zeros

It was great to be back to class today. I am not sure what was wrong with me, but I felt better today. 

We took our spelling tests today. Most are doing well with practicing online and taking the test online. They are able to get on spelling at home, if they have a device.

We also worked on subtraction with regrouping and across zeros. We set up several problems on the board together, before they subtracted. If they do not show regrouping, they are probably going to make a mistake. Have them think about the subtraction poem.

More on the top?

No need to stop!

More on the floor?

Go next door,

And trade for ten more!

Numbers the same?

Zero’s the game!

We read more about plants in science. We finished our packets. 

There several items sent home in daily folders today. Please go over it with your children.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Class uses scavenger hunt to solve subtraction problem

We had a busy day in third grade. We started with a scavenger hunt. They had to first solve a subtraction problem. Then they looked for the card that had the answer and a letter on it. They wrote the letter to make a word. It was successful. They enjoyed being able to walk around while learning.

We had to split a third grade again in the morning. Once we got over the excitement, things went smoothly.

We also worked on Istation today. We have finished our tests on it, so we are now practicing.

We finished our vocabulary booklets today. We added sentences and drawings that went along with each sentence to them,

Please remind your child to read at least 20 minutes each night. It counts if you read to them, or take turns! 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Class learns with math software

Our Monday was marvelous! We started with Xtramath and I Know It Math. We had a third of another third grade in our room, as there wasn't a sub. This was only for the morning, but it went fine.

We read a new story, as well as some poems. We will be working with figurative language this week.

We worked on math with regrouping. This is giving some of us a little trouble. But we will get there!

Mrs. Wilson made it a CB point to say that she liked our math acrostics in the hall, during morning assembly. Our class walked a little taller on the way to class!