School picture day is November 7

Monday, October 31, 2022

Third graders get their work done, then enjoy Halloween party

Even though we had a party this afternoon, the day went well. We knew we had to do our work before we got to have fall fun.

We made trail mix this morning, but only after solving multiple word problems. We even did a multiplication and division word problem. It was great hearing how many different ways each problem was solved.

We also did a nonfiction reading scavenger hunt. They are getting quite good at these.

We were able to enjoy pizza and other goodies this afternoon.

Upcoming dates:

     Nov. 6th: Daylight Savings Time

     November 7th: School Picture Day

     November 8th: Election Day!

     November 11th: Veteran’s Day

     November 15th: Title 1 Family Night

     November 21st-25th: Thanksgiving Break

     November 30th: Picture Retakes

 Have a happy and safe Halloween!


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Students do a great job in rehearsals

Morning rehearsal and the afternoon program went well today! I can’t wait to see everyone back tonight. The kids all enjoyed the program, as well.  Sometimes children will complain, but not this year. They like the music and everything!

We had students teaching students today. They did well. I was so proud of them. There will be many opportunities to get in front of the classroom. I feel if they start early, they won’t be as scared when they are older. The read aloud we are on is about a young man who has to be the first person to present before his class, and he is scared beyond scared. We discussed this, as well as the word “brave.” Brave isn’t having no fear, it is about being nervous or afraid, but doing your best any way. 

Look at our teachers! These students taught how to solve a given word problem. They first met as a team, and prepared. They were great!


We read silently today. We also worked on our spelling words, as they have a test tomorrow. The test is over the words they have had since October 19.

Our first “Read and Feed” is tomorrow afternoon. They earned this for filling their first compliment chart. Please send a snack and a drink (with a lid) with your child tomorrow. Tomorrow is also pajama day, so that worked out great! A day with snacks, books, and pajamas has to be a great day!