School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Third graders participate with Native American dancers

We had a great day in third grade today. We enjoyed some Native American dancers this afternoon! Lane and Ja’Maury got to go onto the court with the dancers and get a quick lesson. The was our social studies for today. Our class was very well-behaved during the presentation.

We worked more with time today. We used several different approaches to telling time.

We did a word sort today. Please have your child explain to you what that is. My favorite part of this activity is that it requires students to think on their own, and work with a partner.

We did some vocabulary work with the words from our math story. I love it when we can cover more than one subject in one lesson. It is a big bonus!

If you haven’t returned an impact form for your child, please do that.

Have a great evening!



Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Students work to find countries in atlases

We had a great day today! Just a reminder that the Earth Day shirt contest entries are due tomorrow.

Today we added money amounts. I reminded them to line up the decimals and to add the dollar signs. We also took a test over some of the skills we have covered during the first semester. I will look at these, and see which ones were missed the most. This helps me see what skills need to be revisited. The skill we tested over today was the different forms of numbers (standard, word, picture).

We also took the same type of test in reading. Again, I will use this to guide our lessons through December. Today’s skill that was tested was main idea.

We used the atlases today to look for different countries. We had to use the index to find the countries, then determine which continent the country was on. Check it out below:

We also got some silent reading in. Some of the students are doing very well at filling out their reading logs.

Congratulations to Jaelyn, who has now earned all 6 of her Braum’s certificates!

Monday, November 28, 2022

Priority for this week: Review skills from last semester to plan our learning for upcoming semester

Check out the poem written by our class.  It's in the post below this one.

We had a great first day after our break. I hope everyone had a great time with family and friends!

We reviewed procedures, since we had been gone awhile. They did well remembering them.

We worked more with money and time today.

We also worked with reading and following directions. We also did a rhyming activity.

This week we will spend it taking some quizzes over skills we have covered this semester. This is to see what we need to revisit and where to go next in our skills. We will do this in math and reading.

Have a marvelous Monday!

Here's a Thanksgiving poem written by the young authors of third grade

T is for turkey upon our table.

H is for helping whenever we’re able.

A is for all the people and food.

N is for never being in a bad mood.

K is for kindness we give AND receive.

F is for family and the crisp, fall leaves.

U is for understanding family and friends.

L is for laughter and love, through days’ end.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Students practice to lead school meeting tomorrow

We had a great Wednesday and Thursday.

Yesterday we took a quiz over money. Most did well. We will continue to work with money and telling time. Today we added money.At first, some thought they didn’t know how. I showed them it was just like adding multi-digit numbers, but with decimals and dollar signs.

We have been practicing to lead the school meeting in the morning. Everyone who wanted a speaking part, got one. If they have a speaking part, they have their part to practice tonight.

We worked with prefixes today.

We have been talking a lot about being thankful. These children said some amazing things!

They earned some center time today, as they walked in the hall nice and quietly without having to be reminded.

We are hoping to finish our read aloud before we leave tomorrow. It is another Sequoyah book.

We have been working on our vocabulary words that accompany our story this week.

We have also been working on fluency in small groups and whole group. I keep telling them if they become good readers, they can do anything!

Have a great evening.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Class working on money and time

My apologies for not having a post several days last week.  We were having computer issues at school. They tell me everything's fixed now, so we can resume our normal blogging schedule.

We had a very productive day today.

We were able to work a lot on our money skills. We will be working on time this week, as well.

We listened to a play about Pecos Bill, then discussed the different parts of a play. We also talked about why some stories are better when they are written in play format.

I hope to see you at Family Night tonight.

My email is finally working so I feel connected again!

Monday, November 14, 2022

Class continues work on money, vocabulary

We had a busy day today. We worked with money more. We also worked on vocabulary and added our new spelling words to Spelling Training.

Book orders are due this Friday.

Our Family night is tomorrow night.

Stay warm!

Monday, November 7, 2022

Students work on counting mixed sets of coins

We were busy today! We had a few extra students this morning while Mrs. Parker had some training.

We added our spelling words to the spelling site we use.

We also counted mixed sets of coins, using only dimes, nickels, and pennies. We also wrote our numbers from 301-400.

We read a book in our text. It is still about the history of our country.

Have a great evening!