School picture day is November 7

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tomorrow is Wacky Wednesday

We had a great day. Our schedule was a little off, but for a good reason. 

Representatives from the Rotary Club met with the third graders. They presented each one with their own dictionary to take home. This dictionary is a little different, though. In the back it has all kinds of information. 

We worked with fractions today. We discussed the word, then I asked for examples of fractions. We also discussed why/how they are used. We will be working with them even more. So if you should have the chance to give examples in every-day life, please do. 

We read two passages today. On our test in the spring it will have two passages for them to read, before answering questions about them both. It will be comparing and contrasting the two.

We also played "I Have, Who Has?" using rhyming words. 

We worked on Istation math today. 

Please remember to return any permission slips that your child has. 

Tomorrow is Wacky Wednesday dress up. Have fun!

Monday, February 27, 2023

Third graders enjoy a full day of activity-based learning

We had a busy day today. It was great seeing everyone, especially after the stormy night we had last night. I hope no one suffered any damage to homes/cars.

We worked more with shapes today, but added another skill. We learned about coordinate pairs. We plotted points on our chart, then connected the dots. It was quite an eye opener. Some who have struggled with other skills in. math seemed to take to this. 

We also did a listening activity today. This required not only listening, but sentence-writing skills, spelling, rhyming, and following directions. Most did quite well on this. There were words on the board for them to choose from for this activity. 

We read about how flowers/plants can be planted elsewhere with the help from birds and wind. 

We spent time on Istation reading today.

If you didn't already send the money or the candy today, please do this tomorrow.

Tomorrow is wear green day for Dr. Seuss week.

Other important dates coming up will be the OKC Thunder Blue game on March 8th. If you haven't sent your child's permission slip and $10 with your child, please do so. If you can't send the money, send the permission slip anyway. We had an anonymous donor sent extra for 10 students. But it will be first come, first served. 

March 13th is our spring break. 

March 22nd is the day the Thunder Book Bus comes to Will Rogers. Six students will be drawn from each class. They are earning tickets by doing what they are supposed to, doing their work, being kind to others, etc. When an adult sees someone deserving, he or she will give him or her a ticket to put in the drawing.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Students learn about thermometers and the metric system

It was a fabulous Friday at Will Rogers! 

We worked with thermometers and reviewed measuring in cm. Some seem to be doing very well with both. We will continue with measurement and reviewing other concepts.

We read a passage today about Lacrosse. I didn't know much about it, but the short passage shared great information. It was fun to hear the students discussing how parts of it sounded like another sport. We also reviewed facts and opinions. Not only did we discuss what a statement was, but students had to defend their answers to me.

Picture day is Monday, as we "Dress for Success" to jump start Dr. Seuss week. 

Candy/money is due Monday, as well. 

Have a great weekend with your family.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Students look at point of view in writing

We had a very busy day. We did a 3-D shape review. They used their math notebooks to complete a chart about each shape. We, of course, did our Glad Minutes. 

We are still working on developing a character in writing.

We read a passage today about point of view. We read it three times, three different ways. We then answered a few questions and matched words to their meanings (definitions). I had someone ask yesterday what a definition was. So I explained it to him. With technology, many have gotten away from using dictionaries and other such resources. But this is still a very important skill. Everyone has a dictionary in their desks. 

We also read a nonfiction book about the Wright Brothers. I love this book because it has a boy in the story that is about their ages. I also just like reading about the Wright Brothers. Your child brought this book home to read aloud with you. Remember, if your child struggles, you may read it to them or take turns. If your child has a lot of struggles with the book, he or she can go through and point at words and say them. This way. he or she can see which ones they know. And you can see, as well.  But I would read it aloud to them first.

Please have candy and/or money returned by Monday. This successful fundraiser has come to an end. 

Please return the permission slips for the Thunder Blue game, as well.