School picture day is November 7

Friday, April 28, 2023

Young authors writing their own book

The past couple of days have been great. Seeing my students and talking with them has been very enjoyable.

I sent information home about a book our class is writing. You may order one. Every student will have his own pages. I have done these multiple times and they turn out great. They are professionally bound. I have several copies from previous classes. I need the order forms returned by Wednesday of next week. 

A note also came home about therapy dogs.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Students who are able should report to school on Thursday

Teachers will report tomorrow, and students who are able, will report on Thursday. We will have the after school program, as well.

Today, I had the opportunity to attend a photo shoot for OERB commercials. I will be an extra in one of them. Mike Rowe is in these commercials. It was so interesting to watch. When I took my picture with him, he told me to tell my students hello from him.


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Class finishes reading section of state test today

We finished the reading section of our state test today! And we are all quite excited about that. Next Tuesday we will take our math test.

Progress reports came home today. If your child has a grade lower than what he is capable of, it is probably due to not turning in work. I will accept late work up until April 28. But after that there won't be time for late work, so the students will have to get work done on the day it is assigned,  or completed and returned the very next day. Since this is the last nine weeks, there won't be extra time for late work. 

We reviewed 4 parts of speech today, after getting a break from the test.

I have to say that our class took their time again! I am so glad. Every single child tried.