School picture day is November 7

Monday, May 22, 2023

The last blog -- and the good news and bad news about Slime Day

Today will be the last blog of the year. But please, do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything as far as your child's academics are concerned. Once they have been in my class, they are part mine.

Good news!!! Our last ingredient for slime came in!

Bad News!!! It was delivered at 2:15. So tomorrow is slime day! 

Have a great summer and remind your child to read!

Friday, May 19, 2023

Third graders write about their classmates

We had a busy, energetic day.

Everything I needed for slime did not come in. So I will go to Hobby Lobby this weekend. They are excited about making it.

We did some writing, including writing what we thought each person's special quality was/is. They will be sent home Monday.

I am going to miss this group of kids.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

As year winds down, students are still busy learning -- and practicing for fourth grade

We had a great day! There was a lot of energy in this room. 

We are all excited about summer, but we are also sad about school ending. I have heard the sweetest things. 

We did some multiplication practice and did our last writing sample. 

We are still doing some work, and practicing for fourth grade. 

Let me know if you are interested in me tutoring your child this summer!