We had a very busy Friday. And we changed up a few
things! We finished our "Thank You" book for the bank that
adopted our class. It turned out nicely! I have already delivered
In reading we made a trifold review and took our weekly
We also worked with complete subjects ad
In spelling, rather than take another test today, we wrote
our words. But I had the words where they were dotted onto nice
handwriting paper. Then we traced our consonants in purple and the vowels
in green. Then they had to write the word on the line in their neatest
writing. I feel we have got so much to cram into a day, we rarely have
time to discuss handwriting. So we did that today. They were so
proud of themselves!
Have a wonderful weekend! I am hoping to go to my
hometown of Wetumka to attend Sucker Day! There is a book written about
this celebration by a friend of mine called Flimflam Man.
Darleen Bailey Beard wrote this book. We read it in class.