School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Students work with finding the main idea in informational text

Today in third grade we covered a lot of ground!  We started with an addition and subtraction page.  They had to look at the sign so that they did the correct operation.  I usually have several who thought they were all addition at this time of year.  We will see.

In reading we worked more with finding the main idea and informational text used to back up the main idea of a passage/story.  We started on some books that I purchased specifically for third grade and main idea.  We also listened to the next story and compared it to last night's story.  

We worked with rhyming, using our spelling words.  

We finished our three digit SCOOT game today.  There were a few who didn't finish, so they will be given time to do so.  This is an activity that can't be done at home.  I had to make cards, and fear they would get lost.

In science we started our Fossils to Fuel unit, but were interrupted by our tornado drill.  Which having been through the Moore tornado with a former class, I am always happy to do the drill!  

Our secret word is perseverance.

Book orders are due tomorrow.

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