School picture day is November 7

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Third graders learn about similes and metaphors

We had another successful day in third grade today!  

We worked with cause and effect to start our reading off.  After discussing, defining, and adding information to our notebooks, we made cartoons.  They drew a cause-and-effect cartoon to add to their notebooks.  The example we first saw was a girl sticking a balloon with a pin.  The effect picture showed the balloon popping.

We also worked with similes and metaphors.  They both compare two things.  Similes use the words "as" and "like."  For example, "I am as happy as a lark!" I know you can think of several, and may not have even known what they were called.  "You're toast!" is a metaphor.  Notice that it compares two things in another way. Figurative language is so much fun!  

In math we practiced addition after using the base ten blocks.  The children took turns making the given numbers.  Then we added and showed regrouping using the blocks.  Math is one of those subjects that can be shown and done in more than one way.  I use different approaches so that I can hopefully get across to all learners!

In social studies we worked with our maps in our newspaper.  I can't wait to finish the first one.  I want you to see how neat these are!

I sent home book orders.  They are due next Thursday.

Our secret word is "alliteration."  We discussed this word today!

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