School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Third graders begin Thunder Reading Challenge

We had a great day today.  I loved seeing all of the book characters today.

There is one note concerning the blog that needs to signed and returned tomorrow.  There is another page, a Thunder Reading Challenge page, that is due November 1.  It has to be signed by an adult, and only the ones that are here on the first are eligible for the Thunder prize.  Each month, I will send in the name of the child in our class with the most reading minutes.  They will, in turn, send him or her a prize!  Everyone gets a prize from me just for participating and returning it signed.

We did a scavenger hunt today on the history of Halloween.  There were short passages placed around the room.  Each child had a sheet with 18 questions that went with each card.  They worked in pairs, reading and answering the questions.

We also wrote our spelling words today in rainbow colors.  

In math, each group was given a multiplication problem.  They had to come up with at least 2 ways to solve the problem, and share one way with the class.  We also did some more mental multiplication.  EX.  7 x 4 = 28, so 7 x 40 = 280. and 7 x 400 = 2,800.

In science, we took the information gathered yesterday, and placed it on a Venn diagram.  

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Teacher's back and students have a full day of learning and fun

It was good to be back after being ill.  I am not up to par, but I am no longer contagious.  

We started with a hidden picture, using + and - problems.

In reading we did a simile check-up and a pretest.

We also read a nonfiction passage about Oklahoman Woody Guthrie.  We answered questions and then found the answers in a word search.  We also worked with three letter blends.

In math we did a quick review of expanded form and rounding using the booklets I purchased from Scholastic.  We also worked with multiplication, as well.  

They have a reading assignment tonight and some word problem practice.  The word problems shouldn't take long, as we read each one and decided what problem would give us the answers.  

Tomorrow your child may dress up as a book character, but he or she must have the form that came home.  

Monday, October 29, 2018

Teacher's sick!

I was at home battling a virus today.  I was actually on my way to school and stopped at a walk-in clinic, where the doctor told me to go home and go to bed.  I don't always do exactly what the doctor says, but I did this time!

I hope to be back tomorrow.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Class reads nonfiction passage about Peanuts creator

We had a great day today.  We got to enjoy the fourth grade program.  If you are going tonight, you are in for a treat.  They all knew their parts and had great songs!

We started with a review page from Unit 1 reading.

Charles Schultz, who created Peanuts
In reading we read a nonfiction passage about Charles Schulz, Charlie Brown creator.  We went over how to find the answers.  I gave them paragraph numbers on a couple of them.  This is such important practice as some refuse to go back to the story no matter how often they are told they may.  We also popcorn read using our "Vote!" story.  

We worked with prefixes and editing using our spelling words and vocabulary words.

In math we continued working with multiplication.  We worked on pages 97-100, then did a special puzzle that had the "5" facts on it.  For example, if the problem was 5 x 6, then the answer was 30.  The puzzle piece by that problem was glued onto the space that had a thirty on it.  What I also like about these puzzles, is that it gives the word in English and in Spanish.

I have to be gone tomorrow, so we will take our spelling test on Monday.  I have been coming down with something, and it finally has got me down.