School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Third graders begin Thunder Reading Challenge

We had a great day today.  I loved seeing all of the book characters today.

There is one note concerning the blog that needs to signed and returned tomorrow.  There is another page, a Thunder Reading Challenge page, that is due November 1.  It has to be signed by an adult, and only the ones that are here on the first are eligible for the Thunder prize.  Each month, I will send in the name of the child in our class with the most reading minutes.  They will, in turn, send him or her a prize!  Everyone gets a prize from me just for participating and returning it signed.

We did a scavenger hunt today on the history of Halloween.  There were short passages placed around the room.  Each child had a sheet with 18 questions that went with each card.  They worked in pairs, reading and answering the questions.

We also wrote our spelling words today in rainbow colors.  

In math, each group was given a multiplication problem.  They had to come up with at least 2 ways to solve the problem, and share one way with the class.  We also did some more mental multiplication.  EX.  7 x 4 = 28, so 7 x 40 = 280. and 7 x 400 = 2,800.

In science, we took the information gathered yesterday, and placed it on a Venn diagram.  

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