School picture day is November 7

Friday, October 12, 2018

It was a great day of learning -- and fun -- in third grade

We had a fabulous Friday today!  We started with some fun multiplication practice.  

In reading we worked on comprehension using a passage about multiplication.

We also did a backwards crossword puzzle.  The crossword was filled in with vocabulary words.  They had to write the clues to the words.  It was a good mind stretcher!

We did a review of all that we have covered in math up to now.  Adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers is still giving several some trouble.  We will keep practicing here.  Please help them practice at home, as well.

We wrote our words rainbow style.  We will take our spelling test next Tuesday since we have only two days in class.  They were glad for the extra time to practice.

We got to observe our remote control car today.  Everyone got a turn.  Monday we will race the two that I have.  We are continuing with our energy unit.

Our reading assignment for the weekend is "Sailing to America."

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