School picture day is November 7

Monday, October 22, 2018

Third graders continue to work on multiplication; field trip is tomorrow

We had a great day back from fall break.

We read a story called "Every Vote Counts."  That is our reading assignment tonight.  We also took our pre-test for the week.

We worked on a graph that had letters along the bottom and numbers written vertically.  They had to find a box such as F6 and color it or draw in it the way the directions said.  This is the first time we have done one of these.  

In math we continued with multiplication using Cuisenaire rods.  Ask your child about this activity.  They came up with great problems, and didn't realize what they were doing at first.  They got very good at it by the time we were done.

Our field trip is tomorrow.  I have talked to them about being on their best behavior.  We will get another field trip since I teach the Fossils to Fuel curriculum.  But if they don't behave on this one, we won't be going.  Thank you for your support!

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