School picture day is November 7

Friday, November 30, 2018

Class reads non-fiction book on reindeer

We had a busy, busy day.  We wrote our spelling words in alphabetical order for morning work.  

We took our STAR reading test today.  The results will come home in next week's Wednesday's folder.  

We also read a nonfiction book I just ordered about reindeer.  It was wonderful. It is one of Scholastic's science readers, and it is written below a third grade level, as a book should be when we are concentrating on the content.  Ask your child about this book.  They loved it.  Many didn't realize that reindeer were real. I had also written a research-type quiz to go along with it.  They had to answer several different type of questions.  They also had to refer to different sections of the book.  

In math we worked on counting money and whether or not a given amount was less than, equal to, or greater than $5.00.  

We took a spelling test!  We have had trouble getting those in lately, but we did it today.

We also got to do science!  Yay!  We made sandwiches to represent the different layers in the earth.  Since Oklahoma has been under water 3 times that historians know of, we used 3 different types of bread for the 3 layers.  We measured them.  Then we placed them under something heavy, as now we have to simulate pressure and time.  We will take them out on Monday and take a core sample, as well as measure the height.  We measured the height after making them today.

Book orders are due next Wednesday!

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