School picture day is November 7

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Students enjoy peer reading

We started with some silent reading this morning.  

We peer read in during reading today, after reading the book silently.  We read a nonfiction book about penguins. Then we answered questions that required the book. Being able to find answers in text is very important.  

We also took a vocabulary quiz after I modeled each one and they figured out which word I was modeling.

We took the STAR math test today.

We unscrambled our spelling words. Our spelling test is tomorrow.  I hope the kids are able to get back into our routine.

Tonight's homework is a page called "Word-O-Rama." I hope they enjoy it as much as they enjoyed the name!

Book orders are due next Tuesday, January 15.

Enjoy the peer reading photos below. Notice that they are facing in opposite directions. This is so ears and mouths are close.  They can read softly and not bother other groups. 


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