What a day! I had a classroom of disappointed children
today when the field trip was canceled. We discussed the saying,
"Better safe, than sorry."
We made a cootie catcher today, using the 3 D shapes.
In reading we read several poems. Then we figured out
the pattern of each. They are getting good at this. Have them
explain to you about patterns in poetry.
We also started our Poetry Ringo. This is an ongoing
project. We will work on it several days in class. There will be
plenty of time to do this here. But there will be some that don't finish
here. When we are through working on it at school, your child will be
allowed to bring it home if not finished. The due date is March is Wednesday,
March 13.
If they are not done by the 8th, they will be allowed to bring it
home. They can find poems online by given poets. But if you let
them look online, rather than go to the library to use books, please look them
up for them. Some of the poets write poetry for adults, as well as
children. This makes some online inappropriate. I have three large
shelves of poetry books, and have made sure I have every poet on the list
We did a word game activity together. There were clues
and we could only change one letter of the previous word to make the new word.
We also made a glyph today.
The book fair will be open tomorrow. It will be the
last day.
We do not know yet if the field trip will be rescheduled.
We will let you know when we know.