School picture day is November 7

Monday, February 25, 2019

Students look at rhyming in Dr. Seuss book

We started with a great Morning Wake-Up today.  

In reading we read Green Eggs and Ham.  We then discussed what was used a lot in the book.  (rhyming)  We also worked with antonyms.  I love Dr. Seuss week!

In math we made and cut out circles.  Then we folded it four times.  We labeled the center and the radius.  We will do more with that tomorrow.  Who knew you could do so much with a circle?!?!?

Tomorrow morning is the last day to turn in permission slip and money for the Thunder trip on Wednesday.

Our class got their extra recess with Mrs. Noble today.  They earned this by everyone being here and on time one day!  We so appreciate Mrs. Noble supporting our class.

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