School picture day is November 7

Thursday, April 18, 2019

An amazing day of reading, writing, science, and math for third graders

We had an amazing day today! We started by either reading silently or finishing our social studies from yesterday.

The we read a book about the Titanic. My class order finally came in, so that is their reading assignment tonight.  This book sparked a wonderful discussion.  Every student was engaged!  

Then we worked on our stories, but put them away, so that we could make a book.  We wrote a book similar to"The Very Hungry Caterpillar." It starts with, "On Monday and egg hatched an out came a ________."  They filled in the blanks for each day, and then illustrated a picture to go along with it.

I also showed them what authors do when they want to add or change something in their writings. We go over and over how it takes several writings to get it to where it needs to be.  I started with a few simple sentences and then I let them ask questions.  I filled in the spots that they asked about.  It was truly amazing!  

In math we reviewed multiplication and graphs.  We had to read a graph, work equations, and decide on answers.  Several steps had to be taken.  

In science we worked with physics today.  There is an activity I do every year before Easter.  It is called "Eggs of Sound."  In each egg is an object or more than one of the same object.  For example, there is a small spool of thread in each.  They have the pictures to cut out and place on an egg.  There are 12 eggs and each are numbered.  Then I pass around egg #1 and each student shakes and listens.  They place, but do not glue, the picture they think is in there.  We do this several times, then we check all but 2.  They then glue the pictures where they go.  They not only listen to the sound, but feel how the object(s) is moving.  They loved this!

Then we made baskets!  They loved it!  They thought I was so smart.  I told them I had been making these with my students since 1985!                     

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