School picture day is November 7

Friday, August 30, 2019

Third graders take year's first spelling test

Our Friday went well.  

We took our first spelling test of the year.  

We also took a reading quiz over his week's story. We finished our noun game.

We did a math check-up so I can see what we need to work on.  

We also worked with number sequence in the form of a dot-to-dot.

Please read to your child this weekend!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Third graders get to check out library books

We had a great Thursday.  It is hard to believe we are almost finished with the second week of school.  

We started with an assembly to kick off our fund-raiser.

We read silently today, and we got to check out library books for the first time this year.  They should have their library books in their backpacks.

We also worked with nouns. But today we used cards that had sentences on them.  They had to read the sentences and pick out the nouns.  Then they were written in the corresponding box number.  For example, if it was sentence number 3, then the nouns were written in box 3.  

We worked with standard form and word form today in math.  

Tomorrow we will have our first spelling test of the year.  If your child has lost his or her list, they are on Monday's blog from this week.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

From wolves to scissor-ailed flycatchers: a 'wild' day of learning in third grade

We worked more with place value for morning work.

We read two non-fiction books about woves today.  We have one as a reading assignment tonight.  We also continued working with nouns.

We did a writing lesson today that included noun review. We drew pictures using my description. As we sent along I added more information until we all ended up drawing the same thing.

We worked with place value and added expanded form in math.  Ex: 4000+300+30+5 = 4,335.

We finished out scissor-tailed flycatcher page in our social studies notebook.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tuesday features lots of learning across several curriculum areas

We  had a Terrific Tuesday.

We started by hearing from "WE CARE."  Since this lasted so long, we didn't do morning work.  We did have time for our morning meeting, however, and the children are getting better at leading this every day.

We worked with vocabulary today, and read our story chorally.  Again, we discussed the characters and setting.

In math we continued working with place value.  Today we put our knowledge to the test by finding the hidden picture using models using base 10 blocks.

We stepped the next 5 words on our spelling list.  It was much easier today.  Doing things for the first time can be difficult.

We did our first page in our social studies notebooks.  We discussed different geographical tools and decided which one we would need for different tasks that were listed. 

Your child only has homework if he or she didn't finish something today.