School picture day is November 7

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Third graders get to check out library books

We had a great Thursday.  It is hard to believe we are almost finished with the second week of school.  

We started with an assembly to kick off our fund-raiser.

We read silently today, and we got to check out library books for the first time this year.  They should have their library books in their backpacks.

We also worked with nouns. But today we used cards that had sentences on them.  They had to read the sentences and pick out the nouns.  Then they were written in the corresponding box number.  For example, if it was sentence number 3, then the nouns were written in box 3.  

We worked with standard form and word form today in math.  

Tomorrow we will have our first spelling test of the year.  If your child has lost his or her list, they are on Monday's blog from this week.

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