School picture day is November 7

Monday, September 23, 2019

Some third graders struggle with motor skills

We had a marvelous Monday in third grade!

We started with some STEM bins and Play-Doh.  We were working on motor skills.  These are important so that they may hold a pencil so that they may write easier and neater. Many are struggling.  I think it is due partly to electronics.  These children have been swiping screens and pushing buttons since they were very young.  We are going to work on motor skills.

In reading we listened to this week's story.  It is about Mt. Rushmore other monuments.  We also went on Istation in computer lab.  

We worked with word meaning, using our spelling words.  Remember, we are using the words we introduced last week.  

In math we worked on simple math facts  using task cards.  There were some that had a regular problem. For example: 3 + 3 =?.  But some had pictures and they had to write the problem, as well as answer it.  One had two playing cards.  One had 8 diamonds on it and the other had 6.  So they had to write 8 + 6 = 14.

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