School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Students work on non-fiction book on Oklahoma

We had a good day today.  We started by finishing our sentences activity from yesterday, if we didn't finish.  Those who had completed this were able to get in some silent reading.  

We also had our We Care assembly today.

We read part of chapter 2 (P. 7-13) in the Oklahoma book.  This is their reading assignment for tonight.  We pointed out text features during our reading.  This nonfiction book is great in helping us revisit text features.  

We wrote our spelling words around a shape chosen by your child.  Each child was able to choose his or her own shape to trace.  Once traced, they retraced that with a permanent marker.  Then they turned it over, and wrote their spelling words around the perimeter of the shape.

We went to computers for Istation math test/practice.

I sent book orders home and they are due November 14.

Have a great evening!

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