School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Students contrast book and movie

We had a great day again!  Our elf, Snowflake, is watching us closely.  She has been impressed with us the past couple of days.

We started with some math practice in addition and grids.  We had to color given squares, such as B1 with black.  When we were finished we had made a picture.

We finished our centers, as a couple didn't get to all six.  Then each child rated them in order from 1 (liking the most) to 6 (liking the least).

We also compared/contrasted the Cranberry Christmas book and short movie. 

Then we wrote our favorite, funniest, and saddest parts from Polar Express. We also wrote or drew our favorite character from the story.  

We worked on winter murals, as well.

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