School picture day is November 7

Friday, January 31, 2020

Third graders look at authors' purpose in writing

We had a fabulous Friday in third grade today!

We were able to get a lot accomplished.  We made pies out of paper plates to show examples of author's purpose.  Everyone was allowed to choose his or her own topic.  Then they had to write a few sentences about it for each of the three purposes. (P=persuade,I=inform, E=entertain) They had to read it to two friends then bring it to me so we could edit our first draft. The finished product was made into a pie with a paper plate and a brad.

We made 100 posters for our "Morning Wake-Up" next Monday.  Everyone that wanted a speaking part got one.  They brought home their strips to study.  Thank you to Ezra, Addison, Azlynn, Bailey, Jayden, and Joshua for stepping up! Everyone needs to be here by 7:25 Monday morning.  We will begin at 7:30.

Everyone took his or her spelling test today.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Class reviews suffixes

We had another great day in third grade!  My crystals are really maturing!  

We started out in groups doing our word sort.  Each group has given letters and they make 10-15 words using only the letters provided.  Then they have to find the word that uses every letter given them. Lots of thinking/problem solving going on!

In reading we reviewed suffixes, concentrating on "ing" and "ed" today.  We also finished Lulu's Mysterious Mission.  It was enjoyed by all.  The first question asked was if there were anymore.  That makes me happy.  There are four in the series.  I only have class sets of the first one and this one.  We have read both of those.  But I have copies of numbers 2 and 4. We then summarized the book using a foldable organizer.  The first section had the title and 2 main characters.  The second was labeled "First."  The third section was labeled "Next."  And the last, "Then."  Not only did this help them in writing their summarizations, it showed how those words are cles in sequencing and retelling stories.

We did some pre-cursive practice today.  We made loops and did some over and under practice.  They are excited.  We will attempt out first letter tomorrow.

In math we worked more with "In and Out" charts.  I have a large one in the floor that I  have taped.  We worked in a class group setting today.

Thanks to sponsors, their book for January came in today!  

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Classroom has new puzzle center

We  had another busy day today in third grade.  

I reminded them that their posters are due this Friday.  I have had one turned in already, and it looks great!

We did another multiplication puzzle.  They are getting good at these!

Speaking of puzzles, ask your child about our new puzzle center!  I found a puzzle that came with a wooden box and lid that the puzzle actually fits on.  It looks like a "Melissa and Doug" item, but it is an off brand.  We were pretty excited!

We reviewed author's purpose using task cards.  They were able to work around the room and grab the cards they needed (one-at-at time). There was reading involved, obviously, but they were small passages.  

We went for some computer math practice this afternoon. Remember, your child may get on and at home.  Let me know if your child has lost his or her passwords.

We did a maze that helped Coronado find his way to the fabled city of Quivira.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Oklahoma author visits school

We had a busy day today!  We started with some grammar review.  We reviewed singular nouns, plural nouns, pronouns, common nouns, and proper nouns.

We had our author visit today.  He was great! Ask your child about the story.  He used personification, and I am proud to say that the children were able to tell me that when we returned to our room!  

We reviewed money in math.  We made different amounts.  We also reviewed terms "less than" and "more than."  

We finished our language arts folder game today, as well.