School picture day is November 7

Friday, January 31, 2020

Third graders look at authors' purpose in writing

We had a fabulous Friday in third grade today!

We were able to get a lot accomplished.  We made pies out of paper plates to show examples of author's purpose.  Everyone was allowed to choose his or her own topic.  Then they had to write a few sentences about it for each of the three purposes. (P=persuade,I=inform, E=entertain) They had to read it to two friends then bring it to me so we could edit our first draft. The finished product was made into a pie with a paper plate and a brad.

We made 100 posters for our "Morning Wake-Up" next Monday.  Everyone that wanted a speaking part got one.  They brought home their strips to study.  Thank you to Ezra, Addison, Azlynn, Bailey, Jayden, and Joshua for stepping up! Everyone needs to be here by 7:25 Monday morning.  We will begin at 7:30.

Everyone took his or her spelling test today.

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