School picture day is November 7

Monday, February 17, 2020

Third graders begin learning fractions

We had a marvelous Monday.  

We started with an assembly in the cafeteria.  

We read silently for a little bit.  They need to do this daily.  We worked on affixes today.  We discussed what they were, and said that they were broken down into two groups, prefixes and suffixes.  We have worked on these in the past, but they needed a refresher.  We also read The Pain and the Great One by Judy Blume.  I love this book!  It is a great story and a great example of point of view.  

We also reviewed theme, and added information to our reading notebooks.

We did our official introduction to fractions today.  I showed them groups and we made fractions out of them, explaining the purpose of each number in a fraction.  For example, I had three boys and one girl stand in front of the classroom.  I first asked how many children were standing in front.  (4) Then I asked how many were girls. (3) Then I asked the number of boys. (1) Then we wrote two sentences.  "One out of four students are boys.  Three out of four are girls.  Then we made our fractions.  

There is no spelling this week.

Please remember to return picture money if you are ordering.

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