School picture day is November 7

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A great day with every third grader in class

We had a great day today!  Every single student was here!  That made me happy!

We started by finishing our morning work we started yesterday.  Some had finished so they wee able to read.

We also worked on our mini book reports.  They had to identify the main characters, the setting, the problem, and the solution. They also had to make a face on the person that matched their opinion of the book they chose.

We put notes about multiplication in our math notebook. The morning work included multiplication practice.  We also made multiplication charts to help us learn our facts.  The best way is memorization of the facts.  A good site for this is

We watched a mini science video about cartoons and animation.  Tomorrow we will do the accompanying activity.

We had Christmas centers today. We had a story to listen to, a book to read and answer questions, and a selection of Christmas books to read from.  

Today we also read Cobweb Christmas. It is a folktale about how tinsel was started.  Then we made an ornament that went along with the story. Have your child retell the story to you.

Santas are due this Friday, December 11.  Have fun!

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