School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Teacher's out, but students still have a busy day of learning

As you know by now, I had to be gone today.  My dentist was finally able to get me in after having to cancel when we were quarantined and then the snow!  Unfortunately, she was booked up spring break.  But, my sub was Mrs. Timmons, and I know they were in great hands!  Will Rogers is so lucky to have her. 

We will be talking tomorrow, as some did not do their best work. Most did, but some did not.  

They did some Xtramath after announcements and morning work. Then we did some multi-digit addition review.  Some will be bringing those home to correct. 

They did some research in the library today.

They were given some time to read silently.

They also went to Istation reading today.  

They revisited the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  I left them a paper of a bean in the ground, and they had to draw and color what their magic bean grew.  Then they had to write about it.

They also got to design a pair of socks.  We didn't get to this last week during Dr. Seuss week.  Some were very creative.  I would even buy them!

I can't wait to see them tomorrow.

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