School picture day is November 7

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Students work with telling time to the quarter hour

We had another busy day today. They are working very hard.  Some are still a little nervous about the test next week, but as I reminded them I just expect them to do their personal best.

We started with Poetry Ringo, unless they weren't through with the Main Idea lesson from tomorrow. 

We worked with telling time to the quarter hour. We also discussed problems such as, "Shelby got to the library at 3:15.  She stayed for two hours.  What time did she leave?" Again, I ask that you make sure your child gets plenty of rest and breakfast.  I will send a note home tomorrow with some more information.

We did some spelling practice that included some editing and rhyming.

We did an egg-themed directions page.  Following directions is very important, as it can make a child make many unnecessary mistakes. 

We finished our physics lesson.  Ask your child about the "egg-citing" activity. 

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