School picture day is November 7

Friday, April 30, 2021

Third graders continue studying the rain forest

We had a fabulous Friday. We started by going onto

We did a multiplication activity on Seesaw, where they multiplied a number by 10 and by 100.  We also played I have, Who Has with the facts.  They were excited, as we were able to complete the facts in less than one minute! We also added the missing factor to a factor tree.  It is an introduction into division without saying it is.

We watched part of the Fern Gully and compared it to the rain forest books we read this week.  Monday we will make individual miniature rain forests. We will finish the movie.  

We also previewed the book fair that is in the library. I already started my pile.  Books are my weakness.  Well, books and shoes!

Have a great weekend!

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