Haydan, Shelby, and Taydin sporting their Earth
Day shirts
Today was a great day with my third graders!
We started with an Earth Day sheet. I loved seeing the shirts!
In math we discussed the Morse code and watched a short clip about how it was used. I told them this was the "texting" of long ago. Then we did some mult-digit addition and subtraction review to crack our own code. They loved it. No one even complained about math, because they thought cracking a code was "cool."
We worked with phonetics and context clues using our spelling words. Depending upon which list your child is on, there was also some rhyming review.
We went on a fact-finding mission again today. As we did Monday, using our Titanic books, we were in groups of no more than 4. Each group had a different passage of 3-5 paragraphs. They read it silently, then aloud, and then I read it to them. Their job as a group was to come up with the important facts from what they read and write them on an oversized Post-It Note. We discussed how it was better to go to each paragraph in order to figure out the facts. That made it seem easier.
I remembered to send home the book orders today. This is the last one I will send for the year. They are due next Thursday, April 29.
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