School picture day is November 7

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Today: Poetry Ringo, choral reading, word problems, story writing

We had a great day, even though we had indoor recess.  I cannot believe how cold it is!

We started with our Poetry Ringo project. 

Then we chorally read our book.  Afterwards, we were put into groups and each group was assigned a chapter to reread. Each group came up with a minimum of 3 important facts in the chapter they were assigned.  They wrote them on sticky notes and placed them on the given chapter on the board. We read them as a class, and some were kept and others had to be replaced.  

We wrote our words "ghost writer" style. 

We worked on word problems in math, with a Titanic theme.  We read each one together and decided what information we needed and what operation to use.

We wrote the beginning of a story we came up with as a class in our writers' notebooks. Their job is to finish the story in their own words.

Tomorrow I will be sending the last book order forms home for the year. I worry about sending them in May, as I worry they won't get back to us in time.

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