School picture day is November 7

Monday, December 5, 2022

Students continue to work on adding money

We had a great day in third. We revisited money and adding it. It went much better today. The decimal is still confusing a few, especially when it is two addends that are less than a dollar, but the sum is over a dollar. (EX. .89 + .79)

Those who I feel may have rushed through their Istation test on Thursday, retook theirs. We did the same thing with math. I made them get scratch paper, even though they didn’t think they needed it.

We made a few things for our hall. If your child hasn’t told you, there is a competion amongst the grade levels. I am trying to upload a video to put on the blog, but it is taking a bit. If I can’t get it to work, then I will just take several pictures.

Have a great evening!

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