School picture day is November 7

Monday, January 30, 2023

Third graders learn about graphs, angles, logic

We had an interesting day. With the weather, there were several who left early. We also had to split one class in the morning, and another in the afternoon.

We took a quiz over graphs. There were only three questions, but they involved finding graphs that had the same information but in a different format.

We also introduced angles, and added information about four different ones. We glued models of the right, acute, obtuse, and straight angles in our math notebooks.

Those who hadn’t completed their assignments in Istation were allowed to do so today.

We also did a logic puzzle after discussing how we had to exercise our minds just like athletes exercise to stay in shape.

Please make sure your child does tomorrow’s work so they aren’t counted absent.


Friday, January 27, 2023

Third graders enjoy a full day of learning and fun

We had a great day! 

We worked more with area. But today, we had to find the area of shapes that were not shaped like a common rectangle or square. Each had an extra section. We went through the steps to find the area. We also found the missing measurement for one of the sides. It gave us the length of one side. It also gave us the area. We had to figure out the missing measurement. This is indeed more difficult.

We did some reading and quizzing today. I asked students to tell me about what we have read. Many are good at it. 

We also saw how many words we could make using the letters in one hundred. They can’t just look at the letters and write the words. They have to manipulate the letters. This is so important.

We took core samples from our sandwiches that represented the layers of our land in Oklahoma.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Class studies revolve around 100th day theme

We had a fun 100th day of school!

Our lessons were chosen around the 100th day theme. We reviewed subtraction with regrouping. Some remembered it very well. Others had to be reminded about the steps to take. A few still struggled. The activity was so that it could be self-checked after I checked the first half. I had them show me their answers until they had done 8 correctly. Then they were allowed to finish independently.

We did a reading assignment on Istation today. We also did a word scramble with school words.

We read on Epic. They were able to choose their stories.

We also did a math assignment on Istation. 

In science we made predictions. They were given a Tootsie Roll Pop and asked if they could get at least one hundred licks. They had three choices in their predictions. Normally, they aren’t given choices but since they are relatively new at it, I gave them choices. And they had to write them in ink. No matter how many times I tell them that true scientists learn more from what goes wrong, than right, they still want to change them if they are wrong.

Spelling test will be next Friday. We will continue with the unit we started this week.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Today in third grade

I was sent home early due to weather today. We worked with area and perimeter. We also did  some practice on Seesaw after adding information to our notebooks.

We revisited authors' purpose. We also got on Istation reading today.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Students welcome new classmate, study perimeter and maps

We started our day with a new student! Many of our classmates knew her already.

In math we went over perimeter again. Again, we did it by solving word problems. Solving for the perimeter of an object s one thing, but if we are able to solve a word problem about perimeter, then we are making a connection.

In reading we read a new story. We also discussed theme and main idea again. Many stories could be about jealousy or doing what you are supposed to do. So books can share a theme. But main idea is story specific, and includes items from a story.

We also made a fortune teller that will help us practice our multiplication facts.

In social studies we read about maps and specific physical features. As we read, we also reviewed different nonfiction text features (ex: captions, keys/legends).

Thursday is the 100th day of school, and children are encouraged to dress as if they are 100 years old.

Have a great evening with your family.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Class reviews money, addition and subtraction, theme and main idea

We had a fantastic Friday!

We did a math check-up over money today. A few are still struggling. We also did a few addition and subtraction problems to review.

We worked with theme and main idea today. Have your child discuss the differences with you.

We also watched a video for social studies about Martin Luther King.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Wednesday in third: context clues, inferences, vocabulary, perimeter

We had another great day. I had a great training yesterday, but was very glad to be back in the classroom.

We worked on reading a passage, using context clues, making inferences, and locating answers in the passage. We also did some vocabulary practice. 

We  continued with our writing project. These have to be completed by tomorrow before lunch.

In math we added four more flash cards. They were 2 X 6, 2 X 7, 6 X 2, and 7 X 2. We worked with word problems dealing with perimeter today.Some were a little difficult. We will do four more tomorrow. We discussed that rather than fear/hate word problems, we should look at them as mysteries.

On Thursday, January 26th, it is the 100th day of school. We are all dressing up as if we are 100 years old (some of us are much closer to 100 than others). Pop-it bracelets will be sold in the gym from 7:15-7:45 that day, as well.

I had a couple of students who forgot their book orders, so I extended the due date to tomorrow.

Have a great evening!