We had a fun 100th day of school!
Our lessons were chosen around the 100th day theme. We reviewed subtraction with regrouping. Some remembered it very well. Others had to be reminded about the steps to take. A few still struggled. The activity was so that it could be self-checked after I checked the first half. I had them show me their answers until they had done 8 correctly. Then they were allowed to finish independently.
We did a reading assignment on Istation today. We also did a word scramble with school words.
We read on Epic. They were able to choose their stories.
We also did a math assignment on Istation.
In science we made predictions. They were given a Tootsie Roll Pop and asked if they could get at least one hundred licks. They had three choices in their predictions. Normally, they aren’t given choices but since they are relatively new at it, I gave them choices. And they had to write them in ink. No matter how many times I tell them that true scientists learn more from what goes wrong, than right, they still want to change them if they are wrong.
Spelling test will be next Friday. We will continue with the unit we started this week.
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