School picture day is November 7

Monday, September 25, 2023

Lots of learning activities fill the day for third graders

We had a busy, busy Monday.

We reviewed place value and comparing numbers. We did some independent work, using a review page. Unfortunately, these pages sometimes include items we haven't covered yet. When this happens, we do those together. 

We also revisited main idea, as well. But we started with a lesson on facts and opinions. This concept seemed to come easy to them. We shall see.  I made two columns and listed examples of facts o n one side, and opinion examples on the other. I didn't give them a heading. But without telling them what I had done, we read them, and they were able to tell me how they were separated. 

We finished with our creative measuring activity in science. We had to use a string to measure pictures of coiled snakes. 

We still need a couple of games for our auction basket. 

Have a great evening!

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