School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

No, they didn't take tests all day, but it probably seemed like it -- here's what else they did

In case your child comes home and says he or she took tests all day, we didn't. But it seemed like it. We had to do a couple of pretests in the Alpha Plus curriculum.

We worked with place value in math today. It was interesting, as I wrote it on the board and asked what they knew about place value. Many started saying it had to deal with going somewhere. When I realized they were thinking about places as being somewhere to go, I went with it. Then we discussed the word "values" separately. The discussion took on a life of its own, but was very interesting! They were doing some deep thinking!  

In reading we worked with sequencing and summarizing. We did some silent reading, as well as reading aloud. I love hearing them read. 

We are doing our first experiments this week in science. 

Please keep your eye out for information that will be coming home about upcoming events!

Have a great evening!

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