School picture day is November 7

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Third graders use manipulatives to study fractions -- and lots more

We had a great day back. Some of us were a little tired but we stayed busy and awake!

We had to take a post test and a pretest in math and reading. 

We worked more with fractions, but we are now comparing and ordering them,using different manipulatives. We introduced a fraction number line. We also worked with our fraction bars.  This group is loving fractions!

In reading we are working on point of view. (first and second person) This is a little difficult for them, but it will get easier. 

We made scarecrows today, to ease into a new week after a five day break.

We also worked on our scary stories.

Please let the office know by end-of-day tomorrow if you are planning on eating Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner with your child.

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