School picture day is November 7

Friday, November 17, 2023

More books and reading aloud -- third graders are enjoying reading!

We had another great day! They were full of energy and excitement!

We practiced multiplication in math. 

We read a new book, and it was a book they got to keep. They were given two books today to keep. We also watched the short video made about the book. Then we compared/contrasted the two.

We took our spelling test.

We also worked on our writing that should have been finished by today. Some didn't. 

We drew what we were thankful for. 

We also watched the fourth grade parade of balloons they made. Then we read the book, Balloons Over Broadway.

We also finished our read aloud, Seed. Ask your child about that. It was good. It was one from the Sequoyah list.

Have a great break with your family!

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