School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Students enjoy Native American dancers

We had a very nice day today! We got to see some Native American dancing. We loved the dances and the regalia. 

A red top-secret note came home with your child today. Please read it.

And I wanted to remind you to go over your child's work he or she brings home. It helps to go over what is missed, as well as what is correct.

In math we took a short quiz on Alpha-Plus. Most did very well! We also reviewed angles, and that, too, went well. They seem to love geometry.

We worked more with characterization and story parts. (characters, beginning, ending, plot)

We worked on what we will be doing for the morning meeting this Friday. They had so many great ideas.

Don't forget that reindeer antlers will be on sale Friday morning in the cafeteria. 

Have a great evening.

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