School picture day is November 7

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Students read story chorally

We had a busy day today in third grade.  We have jumped right into the learning!  

We started with a word scramble.  They had to unscramble letters to form a word.  

In reading we read our story chorally.  Then we filled our a chart that asked the genre, who was telling the story (first person or third person), traits of the main character, and other such questions.  We filled one out as a class.  We started a book Flat Stanley and we will do our own when we finished.  Your child brought a copy home and should read at least chapter 3 aloud to a adult.  

We also worked on some phonics review. as well as capitalization.  Some didn't have time to finish, so they brought it home.  Any time a child needs to finish an assignment, it is perfectly OK to take it home, as long as it is returned the next day.

In math we made different numbers using the base ten blocks.  We also played a game in pairs, but rolling number cubes and making four digit numbers.  They rolled and decided in which place value column to put the number.  After four rolls, the person with the higher number won.  They played this four times.  

I will put the spelling words on as soon as I finish the blog post.  You can always find SpellingCity by clicking on the icon in the column on the right of this blog. 

Have a great evening with your family!

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