School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Students work on math with practice and games

We had a Wonderful Wednesday today!  We started with some counting by ones and tens practice.  The tens gave some of us some trouble, but we worked through it together.

In reading, we finished reading Flat Stanley silently.  We will go over it tomorrow as a class.  We also worked with rhyming using our spelling words.  Capitalization and punctuation (sentence endings) skills were also worked on.  

In math we played "What is My Number?"  I thought of a number and they had to ask questions that can only be answered with a yes or a no.  When we started all they knew was that it was a 3 digit number.  Then questions such as, "Is it great than 100?" were asked.  Another one asked if it was an odd number.  This went well.  Although they had fun, they were learning and working those thinking skills......the higher-level ones!  Then we did a practice sheet on place value and sequence.

We have started AR tests.  

There are no graded papers in today's folders, as my grade book isn't set up on my computer yet.  They will come and set that up for me.  

Have a great evening!

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