School picture day is November 7

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Third grade starts off with a busy day

We had a fabulous first day!  We reviewed some second grade skills in reading.  We checked our papers to make sure we got our answers correct.  
In math we did a part of a pretest.  I told them I didn't expect them to know all of the answers, but I did want them to try.  
We had PE today.  We will have music tomorrow, art on Monday, and Library on Tuesday. Then we will start over in the rotation.
Some of you asked about water bottles.  Yes, your child may bring a water bottle.  But it can't be the kind you buy already filled.  They sweat onto our work and desks, as well as make a lot of noise.  All they may keep in them is water.

This year we are not able to allow parents to bring in snacks for birthdays.  We are, however, able to let parents bring in bookmarks, or something that isn't edible.  Mrs. Noble asked us to share this with you.  
We started our read aloud today.  I try to read to them daily.  We started Clementine. She is like a modern-day Ramona the Pest.

We also had some silent reading time today.

We set up our science notebooks today, as well.

I am working on the schedule and will take a picture and put it on the blog.  

Thank you for allowing me to work with your child this year!

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