School picture day is November 7

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Third graders learn to retell stories

We had a great, active day today!  We started with reading silently.

In reading we read our story in small groups and discussed them.  We had to retell the story in our own words. That took a lot of discussion.  Many wanted to copy sentences from the story.  I told them to write as they would retell it verbally.  We also talked about not mentioning every little thing that happened.  I tried to explain to them to only write about the highlights of the story.  I also told them the way to decide if it was an important part was to ask themselves if the story would be changed a lot or ruined if that part were left out.  Check out the following site to see why it is so important for children to learn to retell stories:

We talked about quotations and how they are used.

In math, we worked more with our ordering of numbers.  We also had time to go to for a few minutes.  This is a site they can get on at home.  It is all math!  Another great site is  Both are free.

In social studies, we discussed Labor Day.  Then we discussed different jobs.  We also did a sight recognition game using the different careers. 

Have a great break with your family!

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