School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Third graders work hard on thinking cap challenge in math

It was great seeing everyone today.  We started with some silent reading.

In reading we did our one minute reads, where I listen to every child read.  This was the third time we read this given passage so a grade was taken today.  We also discussed the parts of a story that we worked on last week.  

We wrote our vocabulary words in alphabetical order.

We did a thinking cap challenge in math.  We had to read clues and figure out the number.  It wasn't easy.  We will be writing our own this week.  It is good for them to do this, as it helps them figure out the riddles when given to them.  This is a very high-level thinking skill that we will continue to work on all year!

We had a third of another class in here this afternoon, as the teacher had to go to a meeting.   So we had assignment completion and extra time to read.

Note:  Folders will go home tomorrow.

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