School picture day is November 7

Monday, September 17, 2018

Today in 3rd: place values, rhyming, sequencing, rounding -- and a review of last week's reading test

We had a marvelous Monday in third grade!  We started with place value practice.  

In reading we reviewed and practiced rhyming.  Rhyming is very important in being a good reader.  We also did our one minute read.  

We also did a sequencing activity.  

Many people brought home last week's reading test to correct.  I am not sure what happened, but several didn't do well.  It is important for them to see what mistakes they made and fix them.  

In math we had a rounding review, and added a rounding element to our notebook. They have homework on rounding tonight.  Feel free to help them.  

Our secret word is Oklahoma.

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