School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Third graders work with longitude and latitude -- and lots more

It was good to have my class back today! Not having students yesterday has thrown me off!

In reading we covered several skills.  We practiced comprehension skills and oral reading.  We also got some silent reading time in.  You may add 15 minutes to your child's Thunder Reading Challenge page today.

We also worked with editing. Suffixes were part of our educational menu today, as well.  Combining sentences was practiced, as well.  

In math we did practice page 5 in our third grade math books I bought with money given to me for the class.  We also practiced with multiplication and division, specifically with 6, 7, 8, and 9. If your child knows his or her multiplication facts, then division comes easily.
In social studies we read about longitude and latitude.  Ask your child about this.  They enjoyed this lesson.

Our reading assignment tonight is Cranberry Halloween. I usually get these out before Halloween, but his year we had to finish another unit.  

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